December 16, 2020
This is about the AR (in)curiosity in my Absurd Museum.
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Sound Collage Book Box
December 15, 2020
This post is about the Sound Collage Book Box (in)curiosity in my recent Absurd Museum: Dr Kali Gehry's Cabinet of (in)Curiosities and Ecstatic Nonsense.
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AR Cabinet
December 15, 2020
This is about the AR (in)curiosity in my Absurd Museum.
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…for the Melancholic (anti-persepctive device)
October 9, 2020
This is a stand alone five sided faceted cabinet, as part of my Cabinet of (in)Curiosities project. It consists of a cardboard covered steel frame housing five varying sized deeply set five sided digital windows, each displaying a different perspective of slow motion looped animation of an undefined organic form...
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falling man
September 11, 2020
A heart wrenching photo that asks many questions of us all...
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… Further Decolonizing the Mr and Mrs Gibson Photo
August 9, 2020
It further occurs to me, that removing Mr and Mrs Gibsons from in front of their homestead wasn't going far enough....
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Answering questions…
August 7, 2020
What drew you towards these art forms? I feel there is a direct link from the varied things I do to my interest and training in architecture. I was never convinced about being a professional architect....
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Oculus Loop
August 5, 2020
... a looping element that will from the basis of the Digital Oculus cabinet...
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Digital Invisibility
August 3, 2020
One unfortunate outcome of this digital age we live in, is that unless one has a digital footprint, for all intents and purposes, you barely exist outside of ones immediate family and social circle....
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Decolonizing a Photo of Mr and Mrs Gibson
July 29, 2020
It occurs to me, that a starting point for "decolonizing" such a photo, is to first remove Mr and Mrs Gibsons...
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Guest Post by Jim Fleming
July 18, 2020
I have always been partial to a cryptic crossword clue. The sleuth in me attracted to the fact that the answer is contained within the clue. You need no more information. So I decided to use this approach to Matthew Talbot-Kelly’s latest work Doctor Kali Gehry’s Cabinet of (in) Curiosities & Ecstatic Nonsense - a dream theatre display spectacle of chimera, folly and tears, (2020). A title replete with diverse references from German Expressionism, Deconstructive Architecture, Peep-Boxes, Cabinets of Curiosities, Kali, Chimera, the meaning of Ecstasy, Nonsense and Folly....
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about Bones
July 17, 2020
I remember the horses... galloping... No, mostly walking and standing about. Contained... or wait... maybe that's not...
Blind man is who I want to become and Bones is who I am afraid of becoming.
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Dad’s death
July 17, 2020
My Dad was a poet all his life. In many ways words were his refuge. I remember feeling after dad died, wait, that’s it?
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The weight of gravity
July 16, 2020
I am interested in the effects of gravity. Getting up in the morning, indeed being alive, like architecture, is at its most elemental, about resisting gravity...
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Museum 3.0 Exhibition Ideas
July 15, 2020
Some brief "Museum 3.0" exhibition ideas. These ideas start with the primary exhibition space of the host museum / gallery being reconsidered as a completely mutable space.
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House Reimagined
July 13, 2020
A house is of a scale and materiality that is essential, relatable, familiar. In working with such scaled and sourced materials, there is already something for most viewers or participants to relate to. Providing an elemental way into my work, without explicit prescription, is important to me as I am more inclined to abstraction and less inclined to realism.
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Museums – Outmoded Embedded Ideologies
July 13, 2020
Is it possible to reform the foundational paradigm and present reality of a museum? Does the weight of history, the weight of their history, make them largely immovable, unresponsive to our twenty-first century society and culture?
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Ol’ Dear
July 12, 2020
Ol’ Dear is a new kind of super hero - mad, blind, and pissed off.
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Museum 3.0
July 11, 2020
This is the first in a series of posts I'm going to make on what I am calling Museum 3.0. Or "One persons junk is another persons weapon - towards a manifesto that existentially blows up museums and galleries to calibrate for an emerging present."
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Found elements
July 10, 2020
What I like about found elements is that they have been taken or are being taken from an earlier context - they already have a narrative trajectory, albeit broken...
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The (n)Atrocity Exhibition
July 7, 2020
The title riffs on a famous book from the 70’s by JG Ballard called “The Atrocity Exhibition”. There are many interesting things about this book. Highly recommended reading, not just for its seemingly prophetic insights to the digital age. Structurally, its kind of like a kaleidoscope, in that events are repeated from slightly altered points of view...
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Willful Naivety
July 5, 2020
It's all been done before, so why do I bother to create anything?
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Mark making
July 5, 2020
Like many visually inclined people, I have been mark making and drawing since I was young. Unconventionally, I have been drawing with computers for over thirty years. Often my drawings - whether digital or analog - are explorations or studies pointing to something else...
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Acts of Construction, Acts of Destruction
July 3, 2020
This BAF work in particular might be viewed as simultaneously a construction and destruction, as creating any inhabitable space is simultaneously a constructive and destructive process. Good examples are building site preparation and landscaping, the temporary use of concrete formwork, scaffolding, and such...
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Huckster’s paradise
July 3, 2020
Located in a small town mall, this hucksters stand is selling nothing save an idea: that the voracious acquisitiveness that’s promoted through the capitalist project’s trajectory of making life better via purchasing is inevitably fruitless, if not bankrupt...
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Random Thoughts on Creation
June 17, 2020
I’ve little interest in the pristine object. Or the “heroic” art gesture of originating all aspects of a work. I’m most intrigued by working with found materials and objects. Including digital...
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The logic of chance
June 9, 2020
The logic of chance and serendipity are integral to almost all my work in that they are integral to the collage process, and I consider myself in essence, a collage artist. In bringing together a collage work, I seize upon accidents, and the resonances or dissonances that may arise between juxtaposing materials, which are themselves, oftentimes, found...
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Digital Crafting
May 29, 2020
People can misunderstand digital methods as being “craft-less”. At its most basic, there are essential characteristics of craft in programming, especially good programming: finesse/refinement, repetition and variation, attention to detail, singular expression within a larger system, utility, working the material to your ends, etc...
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The Resonant Possibility of the Absurd
May 27, 2020
I’m curious to explore how losing & finding ourselves physically might connect with ideas of psychiatry and finding ourselves mentally, possibly making the Absurd seem momentarily less so. I wonder if we started with this metaphorical subject, would my creative process - a mashup of absurdist proclivities - reveal resonances on a possible “Absurd” root of mental illness?
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Spatially Interactive 3d Portraits
May 15, 2020
Circling Towards a Possible Present is a new media installation consisting of three interactive, game-engine driven and on-the-fly rendered figurative portraits...
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Blowing 24 fps
May 11, 2020
It is an exploration of surfaces - the pattern, texture, and material qualities of 24 wood panels becoming at once both canvas and painting...
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Guest Post by Axel Fussi
May 9, 2020
"This is what is known as perspective, and it is a swindle...." Kurt Schwitters
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About My Cabinet of Incuriosities
May 9, 2020
In my view, what is truly radical today is to intentionally stop, refuse, resist, do nothing save remain in the moment. To be. To be present. Which means be present amongst the evidential detritus of our merely human condition. It is in this radical spirit of doing nothing save be present that this project was conceived...
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Tiny Houses
April 17, 2020
I am interested in the effects of gravity. Getting up in the morning, indeed being alive, like architecture, is at its most elemental, about resisting gravity...
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About Walls, Fences and Barriers
April 17, 2020
This work is a temporary, multi-part, improvised installation, an assemblage made of two realities - physical and digital...
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Articulated SubText
April 13, 2020
I love letters, text, symbols and numbers.
I love their graphic precision, their associations, their architectural possibility of structure and collapse, their endless capacity to be reinvented and reassembled in both poetic and nonsensical ways...
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Car Accident
April 11, 2020
My car accident plays an influential role in my practice in that my brain, in particular my memory, is messed up. My memory is a bit like Swiss cheese, with chunks missing or inaccessible. I have yet to note a discernible pattern to these gaps...
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Blind Man’s Eye
April 9, 2020
This is an experimental film in that a primary motivation was that I wanted to explore movement through and around three dimensional collage. Or I guess one might say, create four dimensional collage...
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Foot of Main Salon
April 9, 2020
This salon was a fond time, with my good friends Giorgio Magnanensi and Erik Whittaker...
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